NYWBA Newsletter Available Now! - Click on Newsletter. With the same format as our paper edition, you can read the eNewsletter at your computer or print it out. (Email info@nywba.org if you have questions or need assistance.)
- Stay tuned for more exciting events.
- Special Guest Speaker Hon. Peter H. Moulton at the Ethics Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 30, 2015 - For more information and to register, click here.
- 2015 WIN Summit: Women's Insights on the Art of Negotiating - Wednesday, September 30 and Thursday, October 1, 2015 - For more information and to register, click here.
- NYWBA Health Women, Health Lawyers Workshop - "Better Lawyering Through Mindfulness" - Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - For more information and to register, click here.
- CLE: "Elder Abuse" - Thursday, October 15, 2015 - We are still working on the details of this CLE but for more information, please check back and click here.
- An Evening at the Museum of the City of New York - Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - For more information and to register, click here.
- CLE: "Tips and Techniques for Re-entering the Legal Profession" - Wednesday, October 21, 2015 - NYWBA is co-sponsoring this event with NYCLA. For more information and to register, please click here.
- CLE: "Maternity Leave - A U.S. and International Comparison" - Thursday, October 22, 2015 - NYWBA is co-sponsoring this event with NYCLA. For more information and to register, please click here.
- NYWBA Foundation Breakfast Series with Linda Hirshman - Wednesday, November 4, 2015 For more information and how to register, please click here.
- For additional programs, events and Committee meetings, check out the NYWBA Calendar.
President's Message

Welcome to the New York Women's Bar Association!
I am honored to serve the NYWBA as its president. I hope you will join us as we strive to improve the status of women, educate lawyers, and support professional development and advancement.
~ Jennifer P. Brown
Click here for the President's Message from the latest NYWBA Newsletter.
NYWBA Foundation
The NYWBA Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity whose mission is to eliminate gender bias and discrimination from the legal system and profession; to promote social and economic equality, safety, and well-being of women and children; and to address the unmet legal needs of women and children.
Women's Bar Association
of the State of New York
NYWBA is a founding chapter of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York. Click here for WBASNY website
- NYWBA would like to our generous sponsors of the 2015 Annual Awards and Installation Dinner and 80th Anniversary Party on June 10, 2015.
Gold Sponsor:
- Smith Financial Strategies GroupFriend:
- Cohen Rabin Stine Schumann LLP - Women's Bar Association of the State of New York Salutes the United States Supreme Court for its Recognition of Marriage Equality. Click here to read more
- Are you looking for a lawyer?
Call the City Bar Legal Referral Service at (212) 626-7373.
We value your membership and hope you will take advantage of the many benefits and opportunities offered by the Association. We look forward to your participation and attendance at our programs and events. Be sure to check our online calendar regularly.
If you are not yet a member, click here to join or renew today.
Newsletters Available Online - As part of our green initiative, NYWBA now publishes some Newsletter editions only electronically. With the same format and great articles, photos and announcements, you can read the eNewsletter at your computer or print it out. Click here, enter user name and password, then click on the edition of the Newsletter that you want to read (from the latest edition back through 2004). (Email info@nywba.org if you have questions or need assistance.)
Join a Committee - Becoming involved in a committee is professionally rewarding and is a great way to give back to your profession and community. Click here for details.
New and Sustaining Members - Welcome to our newest members and thanks to our Sustaining Members.
Have You Moved? - New Address, Email, Phone or Fax Number? Send any changes to Executive Director Karen Lu (ED@nywba.org or 212-490-8202).
New York Lawyers' Fund - Click here for info about Lawyers’ Fund and its mission to preserve, protect and promote the integrity of the legal profession.
NYWBA is now on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter. Click here for information about these social networking websites and how to join our groups.
Mentoring Circles - To join with peers to foster your professional and personal development, send an email to MentoringCircles@nywba.org with your name, firm or business affiliation, contact info, practice area(s), and year of admission (or law school status if not yet admitted).
Pro Bono Matrimonial Law Project - The NYWBA has a pro bono matrimonial law project for matrimonial attorneys with five or more years of experience. For more information click here. (PDF)
Members Only - Click here to access contact information for Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairs and other content available only to members. (Email info@nywba.org if you have questions or need assistance.)